Are you a Facebook Family?

With more than 500million active accounts, Facebook is growing at alarming speeds but that’s not news. What’s interesting is the way Facebook is changing our lives. Increasingly, am coming to know of more and more families where all members are on Facebook (even the family pet!). This is truly remarkable. This is one un-forced development that never happened with Orkut or Hi5, but it is happening with Facebook.

But what does this new development mean? Are people going to say I ‘like’ you more often or are people within the family going to be spying on each other? On one level, things certainly depend on whether the family has actually added each other on Facebook or not. But on the macro perspective, this development is good and bad on the following grounds:

It’s good because it signifies that the family is indeed moving ahead with times. It’s a sign that the moms and dads may be ‘friends’ with their children. It’s a sign that parents are/ will making/ make their effort to understand the digital generation.

But on the other hand, there exists the risk that, while all members of the family may be more connected to the external world, extended family and friends via Facebook, communication amongst those at home might suffer. In case you are a Facebook family, you could take this small test to check if this is happening to you – ‘do anyone of you upload the pictures, you want to show each other eventually, on Facebook first?’

There could be more perspectives and more pro’s and cons here, but the fact is Facebook families are sure on the rise. If you are a Facebook family and you are reading this post, just do a virtual raise of hinds by writing “yes” or “no” in the comments. 


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